Large Pineapple Pins

Large Pineapple Pins

Large Pineapple Pin, Gold & Silver finish 1.75″ tall

A detailed design & sizes that makes a statement!  Available in Gold or Silver finish with military clutch, also called butterfly clutch.

Our Large Pineapple Pins send a message of Hospitality.    Available in Gold or Silver finish with military clutch, also called butterfly clutch.

$5.00 each  1- 11  
$3.00 each 12-99 
$2.75 each 100+    

To order use the form below.

In-stock Green & Custom hand painted tops are available for our large hand painted pineapple pins.





Large Pineapple Pins, Gold & Silver Finish

Our Large Pineapple Pins offer a detailed design that makes a statement and sends a message of Hospitality. Learn more about The Story of the Pineapple.

In-stock Green & Custom hand painted tops are available for our large hand painted pineapple pins.

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    Weight 0.35 oz
    Dimensions 1.75 × 1.5 × 0.5 in